Chia puddings three ways

Chia puddings three ways


Chia seeds are a magic little ingredient. They are packed with nutrition and really are a fun addition to the diet.  NuZest Good Green Vitality, Clean Lean Protein and chia seeds together are a powerful combination that make a truly nourishing breakfast, snack or even dessert!  

Good Green Vitality has over 75 premium superfood ingredients designed to fill nutritional gaps and support overall vitality and wellbeing. Clean Lean Protein is a beautifully smooth plant-based protein powder that provides all nine essential amino acids. Chia seeds are packed with plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals. They swell when added to a liquid which adds an interesting consistency to meals or snacks, and it also enables their nutritional goodness to be easily absorbed by the body. Best of all, these healthy fats and fiber keep us feeling fuller for longer, so we can spend more time doing what we love without hunger pangs slowing us down! 


1. Green & Red Chia Seed Pots 

Vegan Gluten free ∙ No added sugar ∙ Nutrient dense 

Time:  20mins + 4hrs or overnight  

Serves: 2 as a meal or 4 as a snack    

This recipe can be made ahead of time and is the perfect on the go breakfast or snack.  


Green Chia Seed Pudding  


  • 8 Tbsp. Chia Seeds  
  • 2 Serves Good Green Vitality
  • 1 ½ Cups Orange Juice  
  • ½ Cup Coconut Yoghurt  
  • 1 Cup Frozen Mango  



Add all the ingredients, except for the chia seeds, to a blender and blend till smooth. Stir in the chia seeds and allow to stand for 10mins. After 10mins, stir the chia seed pudding again.  


Raspberry Chia Jam  


  • 200g Frozen Raspberries  
  • 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds  
  • 2 Tbsp Xylitol (or Maple Syrup if you prefer)  
  • 2 Tbsp Water  



Add all the ingredients, except the chia seeds, to a pot and bring to a boil. Allow to simmer for a few minutes (until all the ingredients are well cooked through and the raspberries no longer hold their shape). Remove from the heat, add the chia seeds and mix well. Transfer to another dish and allow to cool.  

Optional Toppings:  

  • Museli  
  • Fruit  
  • Raspberry Powder  



Once the Green Chia Seed Pudding and the Raspberry Chia Seed Jam are made, you can assemble the jars by layering them or place them in the fridge and layer at a later stage. To layer, start with about a tablespoon of chia seed jam followed by a few tablespoons of chia seed pudding and repeat. Serve topped with your favourite museli, some fruit and a dusting of raspberry powder as desired.  


2.  Green Goddess Protein Pud  


Vegan Gluten free ∙ Dairy free ∙ Protein-rich  

Time: 15mins to make + 4hrs+ to set  






  • Sliced Banana  
  • Passionfruit  



Blend the Clean Lean Protein, Good Green Vitality, Frozen Passionfruit, Pineapple and Mango, Coconut Water and Spinach. Mix in the Chia Seeds and place in the fridge to set overnight (or at least 4 hours). Serve with sliced Banana and Passionfruit.  


3Clean Lean Green Chia Pudding 


Vegan ∙ Keto friendly ∙ Gluten free ∙ Dairy free ∙ Sugar free 


Time: 15 minutes to make, 4hrs+ to set  

Serves: 1 




To serve:  

  • Fresh fruit or a sprinkling of muesli.  



Blend the coconut milk, Good Green Vitality and Clean Lean Protein together. Add the chia seeds and mix well. Let it stand for 5 mins and then mix again. After another 5 minutes, mix the Good Green Chia Seeds Pudding one more time, pour into a glass or container and place in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.  Serve with fresh fruit or a sprinkling of muesli as desired. Enjoy!  


By NuZest 


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