
Add life to your years with ecoNugenics! The doctor-designed, science led range using advanced nutraceutical technologies and natural solutions proven to nourish the body with what it needs to thrive.

Empowering health from within: The ecoNugenics story

ecoNugenics was founded in 1995 by integrative medicine expert and researcher, Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc. A highly regarded practitioner, formulator, and author with 30+ years of clinical and research experience, Dr. Eliaz guides the development of ecoNugenics advanced solutions for today’s most critical health concerns—based on cutting edge-nutraceutical research, formulation science, and decades of outstanding real-world success.

ecoNugenics products are created with a deep understanding of the body’s dynamic capacity for re-establishing health from within with formulas designed to unlock the health potential of every cell. With an unparalleled commitment to peer-reviewed science, ecoNugenics has developed a range of expertly crafted formulas that feature innovative ingredients shown to work at the deepest level to support the foundations of health.

Unlocking nature's potency

Many of nature’s greatest treasures – herbs, botanicals, mushrooms and more – are rich with potent compounds that support health, but often these compounds need to be made available and absorbable for the body to make use of them. ecoNugenics’ synergistic pioneering blends are manufactured with first-in-class formulation methods that activate and enhance nature’s most powerful compounds to support optimal health and wellbeing.