Privacy policy

TheraStore respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and website visitors. We adhere to the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 when dealing with personal information. This policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

Who do we collect your personal information from

We collect personal information about you from:

  • You, when you provide that personal information to us, including via the website and any related service, through any registration or subscription process, through any contact with us (e.g. telephone call or email), or when you buy or use our services and products
  • Third parties where you have authorised this or the information is publicly available.

If possible, we will collect personal information from you directly.

How we use your personal information

We may use your personal information:

  • To provide services and products to you
  • To market our services and products to you, including contacting you electronically (e.g. by text or email for this purpose)
  • To improve the services and products that we provide to you
  • To respond to communications from you, including a complaint
  • For any other purpose authorised by you or the Act.

Internet use

While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with personal information over the internet, the provision of that information is at your own risk.

If you follow a link on our website to another site, the owner of that site will have its own privacy policy relating to your personal information. We suggest you review that site’s privacy policy before you provide personal information.


We use cookies (an alphanumeric identifier that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive so that we can recognise your browser) to monitor your use of the website. You may disable cookies by changing the settings on your browser, although this may mean that you cannot use all of the features of the website.

Protecting your personal information

We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information safe from loss, unauthorised activity, or other misuse.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, our privacy practices, or if you would like to request access to, or correction of, your personal information, you can contact us at [email protected]