
Boswellia is known for its fragrant resin, an extract from the tree, Boswellia sacra, which offers an antioxidant benefit for immune health and general health.

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Boswellia supplements are derived from the resin of the plants in the Boswellia genus. The main components of Boswellia's resin and volatile oil are Boswellic acid, phellandrene, and pinene.  Boswellia is also called frankincense extract or Indian frankincense. Boswellia serrata extract is harvested from a tree of the same name. Once the tree is eight years old, the resin can be harvested from it to produce the Boswellia serrata supplement.


The herb is used in Ayurveda, one of the oldest traditional health practices in the world. Boswellia is rich in boswellic acids and these acids may have anti-inflammatory type effects. Some studies even suggest that Boswellia may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making it potentially useful for any inflammatory concerns of the joints, lungs, digestive tract and skin. Some of the extract’s properties have been definitively proven to be beneficial, while others still need additional clinical trials to confirm their true effects.

Yes, it is safe to take Boswellia every day if needed. It is recommended that you can take approximately 300-400 mg of Boswellia extract, up to three times daily to deliver Boswellic acids into the body. The active ingredient that offers an antioxidant benefit.

Yes, Boswellia is considered a good herbal extract for lung health support. Both the antioxidant benefit and the anti-inflammatory effects of Boswellia extract may potentially help reduce any inflammation associated with lung concerns such as asthma and emphysema. Boswellia presents a solution in that it also inhibits the action of histamine-producing mast cells, so it could be highly effective at assisting allergy associated respiratory symptoms, e.g., sinusitis.

It is not advised to take Boswellia if you are allergic to any prescription medications, if you have serious stomach pain and discomfort, or health problems such as high blood pressure, heart health concerns or blood vessel disease. Always consult with a health professional if unsure.

Boswellia may stimulate blood flow in the uterus and pelvis and this can accelerate menstrual flow and is also not recommended in pregnant women. Other possible side effects of Boswellia include: nausea, acid reflux, diarrhea and skin rashes.