Nerve & Tissue Support

Nerve and tissue support supplements include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, to help keep the nervous system working the way it should.

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Nerve & Tissue Support

Nerve Health and Tissue Support 

The nervous system tissue is found in the brain and spinal cord, including nerves. It is responsible for coordinating impulses between parts of the body, forming a communication network in the body. Natural formulas that provide nutritional support for the healthy function of the nervous system and nerve tissue. 

Nerve Health Tissue Support Nutrients  

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that has specific benefits for nerve cells (neurons) and plays a key role in the production of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter involved in brain and nerve cell function. An antioxidant that creates healthy nerve cells and supports energy levels. 
  • Alpha-Lipoic-Acid offers nutritional nerve support and assistance with circulation. 
  • B Complex Vitamins provide nerves with energy to function, while supporting smooth nerve transmission of nerve impulses, Maintains nerve health. 
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the active ingredient curcumin offers an antioxidant benefit and circulation support for the nervous system.  
  • Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and (Docosahexaenoic acid) DHA, which offer nutritional support and lubrication support to maintain healthy nerve signaling and nervous system function.  
  • N-Acetyl-Cysteine is a well‐known antioxidant that combats free radicals from oxidative stress on a cellular level, with a potential for neuro‐supportive applications. It has shown significantly to support healthy nerve cell replication, for healthy nerve transmission. 

Nerve Health and Tisue Support Tips 

  • Get plenty of sleep as this plays an important role in your brain health and nervous system function. Sleep helps the nervous system restore, in a parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ mode.  
  • Exercise on a daily basis to encourage healthy endorphin release and circulation support for healthy nerve response and function.  
  • The food that you eat matters and your diet plays a large role in your brain and nervous system health. For example, a Mediterranean type diet that focuses on; olives, olive oil, tomatoes, globe artichoke, whole grains and seafood.  
  • Stay mentally active and challenge yourself with mental puzzles or quizzes to exercise your mind and create new neuronal networks in the brain. 
  • Remain socially involved, but also add relaxation time, like daily mediation or walking barefoot, to help encourage calm brain wave activity, which allows you to respond relaxed and focused as you go about your day. 
  • Drink green tea, as this antioxidant rich tea contains an amino acid called L-Theanine, which helps to support healthy mood and brain wave activity. 


Signs and symptoms of nervous system to be concerned about would include; Loss of feeling or tingling, weakness or loss of muscle strength, impaired mental ability mood changes and lack of coordination. A healthy nervous system means easy coordination, muscle strength and capability, good vision, healthy brain function and mood balance.

There are loads of ways you can support nerve health. Provide nerves with the healthy nutrients they need, to ensure healthy nerve transmission and the process of the ‘brain body messaging. Support nerve health with B Vitamins, Magnesium, acetyl-l-carnitine, alpha-lipoic-acid, n-acetyl-cysteine and omega 3 fatty acids. Use gentle exercises like yoga, palates and stretching to support the strength and circulation of the nervous system. Pursue emotional well-being and relaxation to help support the health of your nerves on a daily basis.

Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 specifically, have been found to be beneficial for supporting nerve cell health and the covering of nerve endings. Research has also shown that magnesium has beneficial effects in supporting the nervous system. Foods such as broccoli, spinach and asparagus all contain Vitamin B’s, which are important for nerve health and nerve function. Spinach, broccoli and kale also contain a micronutrient called alpha-lipoic-acid that helps support nerve function.

When one of your nerves is damaged, it will try to repair itself. The nerve fibres shrink back and 'rest' for about a month but then they begin to grow again. The extent to which your nerve will recover is variable, and it will always be incomplete. On average, nerves potentially regenerate at a rate of approximately 1 inch per month. Your nerves have an ability to regenerate even once they have been damaged, assuming that they have been properly repaired and this is where the right nutrition and supplementation can help.