
Prebiotics are compounds in food that support the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome, for optimal health.

Are supplements really worthless?

Gut issues? Try this first.


Prebiotic supplements offer helpful compounds in natural foods that help the growth of beneficial microorganisms such as healthy bacteria, also known as probiotics. Essentially, prebiotics are typically special plant fibres that fuel our probiotic levels by serving as food for the bacteria in our gut, to help them grow. In the gastrointestinal tract, prebiotics can alter the composition of organisms in the gut microbiome. 


Prebiotics are nondigestible and help promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract. Prebiotic foods include: Legumes, beans and peas, asparagus, leeks, onions, garlic, berries, bananas and oats. Prebiotics function as a food source for the gut’s microorganisms and they need to bypass digestion and make it all the way to the colon. There, the microorganisms metabolise and ferment the prebiotics to survive. When prebiotics are broken down by the microorganisms in the gut, different short-chain fatty acids are created depending on the kind of prebiotic. As a result, these short-chain fatty acids provide energy for colon cells, help with mucus production and aid in the inflammatory response and immune health function.

The right time depends on your own schedule and convenience; however, it is important to take them consistently and daily in order to achieve the digestive results and relief that you are looking for.

Depending on what you’re taking prebiotics for, you may see your symptoms improve anywhere between a few days to a few months. Prebiotics don’t work for everyone and it depends on many different factors how prebiotics work.

Essentially yes, probiotics are the bacteria in your gut and prebiotics feed the bacteria in your gut. If you are experiencing any symptoms of compromised gut health, then taking a prebiotic supplement is a good idea. And even if you feel it's not that necessary, taking a prebiotic supplement is still a great way to ensure everything is working in order. It is suggested that prebiotics need to be taken daily to see results.