Chilli Biltong Scrambled Eggs

Chilli Biltong Scrambled Eggs

Start your morning with a flavourful twist on a breakfast classic! Indulge in Chief’s Chilli Biltong scrambled eggs for a breakfast favourite with an added kick. 



Prep time: 5 minutes  


  • 4 eggs 
  • 1 bag of Chief Chilli Biltong 
  • 1 tbsp light cream 
  • ½ tsp Himalayan Pink salt  
  • A pinch of ground pepper 
  • 1 tbsp butter (grass-fed if you can) 
  • 1 tbsp coarsely chopped chives (optional) 


  1. Beat eggs in a bowl with cream, salt and pepper 
  2. Melt butter in a pan and add in your beaten eggs 
  3. Occasionally stir eggs, until there are large curds 
  4. Stir in Chief Chilli Biltong and continue to cook eggs to your liking  
  5. Garnish with chives, and enjoy!  


By Chief

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